national geographic artist research

Tuesday we got told to find some artist that are national geographic photographers and i looked on the actual national geographic website and i find so many artist but i couldn’t pick which one i liked until i looked at all there pictures on there photography websites, When i looked at the photographers i had a set mind that i wanted it to be more documentary photography but had the national geographic style into it and i looked the pictures where it was different people with different cultures but i could never do that as a set piece here as that means i would have to travel around but most photographer i find had a landscape photography and some were black and white and i loved the fact that most were set in like a old vintage black and white and i loads the style of it!

Here are the artist i’ve picked that inspire me:

David Evans

Here are some of David Evans pictures, I like how he has different type of styles of pictures but they are in black and white and i found a album of tree ones but it was called valleys and i just love how the picture look old fashioned but modern in the same way it has a very good edge to it and i just like how he has done the pictures you can clearly see his aperture is very high because his pictures are all forced on everything and nothing it blurred

valley05 valley04 Fraser Valley

Melissa Farlow

Melissa farlows photography is a little different to Daivd Evans photography but i love how her photographs are very deep and weather like but she also had some culture and regions in her photographers as well and i just love how shes done the pictures and the angles in these pictures you can see she has used light graffiti which is slow shutter setting so motion blur in this case and also shes used a low aperture on the other two as you can see the people fade out and are not as forced as you think.

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Chris Rainer

Chris rainer is like Daivd Evans with black and white effect but his pictures are very light and even the darker areas are still lighter i love the effects he has done the very misty effect and makes you want to look at his pictures longer! i think hes used a middle apperture because in soe of his pictures they are very forced but then the others arent and i just love his style of landscape and how they are all in black and white.

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